Welcome to cobweb

Welcome to cobweb, your domain, website and email hosting partner of choice. Here we strive to provide an extremely cost-effective solution for your business, coupled with exceptional service and speed of delivery.

In this day and age of Covid-19, cost is key, more so than ever before. But reliability and agility is just as key, and we treat each customer like you are an extension of our business.

We care because we are passionate about what we do.

If you are looking for a hosting provider that can deliver unparalleled service at a very competitive price, let us partner together to help you achieve your goals.

Typical data centre

All your data is hosted in world class data centres, both in South Africa and around the world.

We ensure the solution we scope for each customer takes into account your needs and budget, whilst ensuring maximum uptime guarantees for both the service being provided, as well as the data being stored on each platform.